Dates & Events for New Undergraduates
This page summarises some of the key dates that you need to be aware of in your first weeks at Brasenose. In addition, the JCR have prepared a timetable summarising the events in Freshers’ Week.
Academic induction meetings with your college tutors and/or in your departments may take place at any time during the week. A timetable showing details of these meetings, some which may take place online, will be published nearer the time.
Sunday 6th October
- Arrival: this is the day when you should arrive at college and move into your accommodation. To reduce congestion outside Brasenose we would be grateful if those living within 2 hours’ drive of Oxford could arrive between 9am and 1pm, and those living further away aimed to arrive between 1pm and 5pm (if this is not possible please do not worry). Those from outside the UK can arrive at any time. On arrival, we would suggest that you collect your keys before unpacking your car.
- Parking: you can park on Radcliffe Square whilst unloading your things and bringing them in to Brasenose. However, space in the square is limited so we would be grateful if cars could be moved to a car park as soon as possible to avoid congestion. Parking in Radcliffe Square will be monitored by a member of College staff.
- Dinner: this will be available to eat in the Hall between 6pm and 7pm.
- There are no formal academic commitments on Sunday.
Early Arrival: if you need to request an arrival date earlier than Sunday 6th please contact us.
Monday 7th October
- Student Enrolment: this will take place on the morning of Monday 7th, between 10am and 12 noon. You will be given a specific enrolment slot within this period, and the process should only take about 5 minutes. More information will be provided nearer the time, but please note that attendance is compulsory.
- Welcome Meeting: this second formal requirement today is a meeting at 2pm in the Hall . This will involve introductions to the main College Officers, and is also compulsory.
- Workshops: the College and the JCR will be arranging compulsory workshops on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and consent after the Welcome Meeting. Details will be provided nearer the time.
Tuesday 8th October
- Introductory Meetings with Tutors: this afternoon, between 2pm and 4pm, is traditionally when time is set aside for you to meet with your tutors and discuss your course. A timetable of these meetings will be available nearer the time.
Please note that time has also been set aside on the afternoon of Thursday 10th (from 2pm) for meetings with tutors. You may have meetings on either day, both days, or at other times, depending on your course.
- Undergraduate Freshers’ Dinner: this event will be held in the evening and is your first opportunity to experience a formal dinner in Oxford, as well as a chance to get to know your fellow students and some of your tutors. You will be asked to provide dietary information when returning your College Contracts (see the Next Steps page), which will allow us to cater for everyone. Further details on timings will be circulated on the day.
Wednesday 9th October
- Medical Registration: Starting at 9:30am in the Hall, this is a talk from the College Doctors to complete your registration as a patient with them. It is very important that you attend this session, but if you have an academic commitment at the same time, such as an induction meeting in your department, then you should prioritise that.
Please ensure that you have completed the medical registration process prior to arriving at Brasenose (see point 3 of the Next Steps page for more).
Friday 11th October
- Yom Kippur: the College is aware that Yom Kippur begins on Friday 11th. You are welcome to return home to observe it, but we would be grateful if you could let us know if you do plan to do so.
Saturday 19th October
- Matriculation: this is the formal ceremony by which you become a full member of Oxford University. We will contact you with further details as soon as they are available.